Fem Beam Analyzer is an advanced 3D-Beam structural analysis program to model and analyze the beam structures of ships.
The program utilizes Finite Element Method (FEM) to calculate displacements, moments, and forces and then processes the results to obtain stresses and other relevant results.
The program is completely interactive and easy to use.
It offers a comprehensive auto-generated pdf report for the solved frame.
- Elements can be modeled as Euler beams, Timoshenko beams, or bars. 2-way tapered elements are supported.
- Supports distributed beam loads, concentrated load, and moments and gravity loads.
Ability to draw contour plots on 3D beam geometry for stresses, displacements, bending moments, shear forces, and more.
- Ability to draw diagrams on beam lines for displacements, bending moments, shear forces, and more.
- Highly customizable thin-walled sections and solid sections. Sections parts can be defined with different materials.
- Ability to open holes on beam webs.
Unlimited number of load cases can be added.
- Automatic worst-case loading condition generation.
- Normalized plots and special colorizations of the regions that exceed material limits.
- Secondary moment calculations around the beam holes and buckling checks according to the class rules.
For more information, please contact: mkaplanoglu@turkloydu.org
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